Legal disclosure

Melody Lear­ning Center e. K.
Owner: Silke Johnson
Dreil­är­chen 3
78187 Geisingen

Regis­tered District Court of Stutt­gart HRA 733193
VAT iden­ti­fi­ca­tion number: DE281199425 

Respon­sible for the content in accordance with § 5 TMG:
Melody Lear­ning Center
Owner: Silke Johnson 

Despite careful check and moni­to­ring, I do not accept any liabi­lity for the contents of external links. Only their opera­tors are respon­sible for the content of the linked pages. Any liabi­lity for damages that arise directly or indi­rectly from the use of this website is excluded, unless they are based on intent or gross negligence. 

Phone. D: 0049/1520 966 27 56
E‑Mail: info@​melodycenter.​ch