Behavior analysis has been really effective in helping people live a stress-free life. Specific methods and strategies have been developed throughout the years to help people reduce anxiety and be happier within social contexts.
Some of the methods described in this section have a strong behavioral component and have proved effective. However, they are not purely behavior analytic in nature and therefore, I do not offer these under my or my supervisor’s BACB credentials.
“HEMRY® Coaching supports us to feel safe and embody the sense of being at home in body, mind and spirit.”
- Silke Johnson
HEMRY® Coaching provides my clients and me with a treasure chest of experience and knowledge from Holistic Bodywork, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Matrix Reimprinting / Matrix Birth Reimprinting, Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy and Yoga Therapy blended with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Internal Family Systems, Trauma Buster Technique, EMDR, BrainSpotting, Shinrin Yoku and Trauma Sensitive Education.
I am happy to support you with my unique HEMRY® Coaching, a brain-based, psycho-somatic, neuro-immuno-endocrine, easy-to-learn, relaxing self-help approach to connect with your younger self, resolve traumatically processed events, and to be (again) in heart connection with your Self and others through a balance of body, mind, and spirit.
I am a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP/CCTP-II), Certified Telemental Health Provider-Associate (CTMH), Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider (CMHIMP), Certified Child and Adolescent Trauma Professional (CATP), and ADHD-Certified Clinical Services Provider (ADHD-CCSP).
Feel free to contact me to schedule an individual online coaching appointment
Walk & Talk – “Beauty is a skill”
Book a Walk & Talk on site and experience a very personal HEMRY® Coaching with Shinrin Yoku (forest bathing) in nature, to (re-) discover beauty in your environment and in yourself. Contact me
Holistic Bodywork
Holistic Bodywork, according to Pascal Beaumart, is fully dedicated to all areas that combine mind, body and soul.
Holistic Bodywork uses knowledge from a wide range of therapeutical areas, which are otherwise often considered separated from each other. Current scientific findings from conventional medicine are combined with ancient healing methods. It’s all about strengthening connections. The connection to the self, the connection to the inner child and the connection to others.



(Relationship level)

I am a certified Holistic Bodyworker (750 hours).
NARM (Dr. Lawrence Heller)
When working with developmental- traumatic experiences, I’ve had positive results with the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM™).
NARM puts a strong focus on the five basic biological human needs:
- Contact: We are in contact with our bodies and our feelings and are able to enter into relationships with others. We feel like we have a place in this world.
- Needs: We know our needs and we are able to reach out to others and accept their care. We enjoy what life has to offer.
- Confidence: We have an entrenched confidence and can engage with others. We are consolidated enough to be able to enter into interdependence relationships with others.
- Autonomy: We can set clear boundaries, towards others, say no and have no guilt in conscience or guilt in the process. We are free to express our thoughts.
- Love/Sexuality: We have an open heart giving us a balanced nervous system and allowing loving relationships, which makes a healthy sexuality possible.

If these basic needs have not been adequately met in early childhood development, they can have an impact into adulthood. It can cause self-regulation, self-worth and identity to suffer so much that the ability to meet one’s basic needs on its own is not sufficiently trained. Instead of creating a fulfilling life, survival strategies are being developed. One does not feel one with himself and the world.
With the help of NARM, the five basic needs can mature. And the feeling of being a victim of one’s past can be lifted as a result. My clients gain the ability to connect with themselves and others and experience a whole new level of lifeliness. They find their own own center/balance again.
The trauma-sensitive work begins directly with the regulation of the nervous system. Experienced traumas prevent us from being in real contact with ourselves and with others. This severely restricts our life energy and many psychological and physical problems can be attributed to them.